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Professional drivers

Credit for CPC module 2 

Training credit for ADR cert holders.

If you hold a valid ADR certificate issued in the Republic of Ireland, you may be eligible for a credit for CPC module 2. 


Check if you can apply for a credit

Is your ADR cert still valid on the date your CPC card expires?
Select a choice *
Unfortunately, you're not eligible to apply for a credit.
Was your ADR cert issued by an approved trainer in the Republic of Ireland?
Select a choice *

A list of approved trainers is available on the CILT website

Unfortunately, you're not eligible to apply for a credit.
Have you completed at least one full cycle of CPC training to date?
Select a choice *
Unfortunately, you're not eligible to apply for a credit.
Did you receive a credit for module 2 in the current CPC cycle?
Select a choice *
Unfortunately, you're not eligible to apply for a credit.

You can go ahead and click on the 'Apply now' button below to complete the form.

How to apply

To submit your application for a credit for CPC module 2, please click on the button below and complete the form. Make sure you submit your application at least 6 months before your CPC card expires.

Apply now

Services Hazardous Goods Vehicle Test (ADR)

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Frequently asked questions

No. The credit for CPC module 2 is only available to valid ADR cert holders because they have to undertake additional training to drive dangerous goods vehicles.

No. You must complete a refresher ADR course before your CPC card expires to be considered for a credit.

No. You can only avail of a credit every second cycle, even if you have a valid ADR cert, so you must attend Module 2 training in the next cycle. 

No. Currently we’re only accepting ADR Certs issued in the Republic of Ireland.

No. Drivers who haven’t maintained their driver CPC qualification for more than five years, or who have been living and working as a driver outside of the EU, must complete all 35 hours of CPC periodic training to re-establish their CPC qualification.

No. If you have already completed module 2 in this cycle, please do not apply for a credit. You may apply in your next cycle, provided you meet the criteria outlined at the top of this page.

No. You have to complete the full series of CPC periodic training in cycle 1.