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Professional drivers

Become an ESDS driver

How to become an ESDS driver if you work in an emergency service.

As an emergency service driver you should aim to achieve an exemplary standard of driving that acts as a positive example to other road users. This will significantly reduce the risks created by driving emergency service vehicles and will benefit you and other road users.


To apply to become a certified ESDS driver you must be nominated by an Emergency Services Organisation that have a current Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Road Safety Authority.

Only drivers eligible to avail of legal exemptions under the Road Traffic Act can undertake ESDS Level 3 training and assessment. 

Each organisation will have an appointed ESDS contact person.

Emergency Vehicles
ESDS Trainers

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Frequently asked questions

The Emergency Services Driving Standard is entirely a voluntary code.

It is a matter for each organisation to identify their own requirements in relation to the nomination of drivers for ESDS.

The Emergency Services Driving Standard (ESDS) has three levels:

ESDS Level 1This is the entry level and sets out the training, learning and assessment that will produce competent and responsible emergency service drivers. 
ESDS Level 2Describes the training, learning and assessment for emergency service drivers and includes the principles and skills set of ‘Roadcraft’. ‘Roadcraft’ is a recognised system of vehicle control in the training for emergency service drivers that develops a methodical and systematic approach to driving. It increases safety by giving the driver more time to react in complex situations as they have a greater awareness and ability to anticipate hazards.
ESDS Level 3

This level refers only to services who by law can drive using blue lights and sirens in emergency response situations when this does not endanger the safety of other road users. An example of this is when an emergency services vehicle exceeds the statutory speed limit. This applies only to emergency services who are specified in Section 87 of the Road Traffic Act 2010 as follows:

  • An Garda Síochána
  • Ambulance services
  • Fire services.

This level sets out a series of principles and response tactics which are compatible with Roadcraft and focus on the driver’s attitude towards emergency response driving.

Creating correct behaviour and a responsible attitude to driving skills greatly reduces the risks associated with emergency response driving. The standards will ensure that drivers fully understand their responsibility to manage the risks associated with emergency response driving and, in doing so, they will help to keep themselves and the public safe.

Firstly, you must be nominated by an Emergency Services Organisation that have a current Memorandum of Understanding with signed with the Road Safety Authority.

    If you are being put forward for ESDS, your emergency services organisation may arrange ESDS training for you. Your organisation will apply to our ESDS unit for an ESDS theory test and assessment. You must pass the theory test and assessment in order to receive certification as an ESDS driver.

    Whether the theory test is done in the organisations premises or done through the national network of driver theory test offices in Ireland, (in a similar manner to the theory test for driver licensing at present), your ESDS organisation will arrange the theory test.

    Your ESDS organisation will apply for a practical assessment on your behalf and they will then make the necessary arrangements for assessment.

    No. Your ESDS organisation will apply for the theory test and practical assessment on your behalf and they will then make the necessary arrangements.

    On successful completion of both theory test and practical assessment the ESDS unit in the RSA will issue your ESDS driver certification through your nominating ESDS organisation.

    Drivers that avail of training will be more likely to obtain ESDS certification than those who do not avail of training.
    The ESDS syllabus publication outlines how ESDS trainers may deliver effective and appropriate training at each level. It is underpinned by the ESDS Guidance Manual and ESDS Competence Framework

    As organisations will nominate who they wish to have certified, they will also be in position to give direction on the availability of training in respect of the particular level and category of vehicle.

    Driver certification will last five years. Driver recertification will be required in order to maintain ESDS certification within five years of the issue date of previous certification in that ESDS level and category.

    All ESDS certification will be RSA-approved and be transferrable between emergency services. This interoperability should not stop an organisation from determining if refresher or additional training is required in the case of a member who has been trained or assessed by another organisation.

    Driver recertification will be required in order to maintain ESDS certification within five years of the issue date of previous certification in that ESDS level and category.

    In the initial roll out of ESDS each ESDS member organisation will nominate who they wish to have certified. The cost of certification will be administered through the nominating organisation. 

    After you have successfully completed the relevant theory test and the relevant practical assessment, our ESDS unit will issue a certificate through your nominating organisation.

    If you have not been successful in either the theory test or the practical assessment (or both) your ESDS organisation may reapply on your behalf.

    To apply to become a certified ESDS driver you must be nominated by an Emergency Services Organisation that have a current Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Road Safety Authority.

    Organisations may apply to the RSA to be included in ESDS by emailing

    If you are not a member of an organisation that have a current Memorandum of Understanding signed with the RSA you may not apply for ESDS certification.

    Our ESDS unit in consultation with your own organisation schedule your relevant assessment. We hold a register of ESDS assessors.

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