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End-of-series vehicles

What end-of-series vehicles are and the rules and regulations that apply to them. 

By law, when a vehicle is first manufactured it must meet all of the necessary safety and quality standards before it can be sold throughout Europe i.e. European type approval. However, these standards change over time so a vehicle manufactured a year or two ago may now not meet the latest standard. This vehicle is still new, as it has never been sold, so it is referred to as an ‘end-of-series’ i.e. last of its type. Manufacturers facing economic or technical difficulties in complying with the new standards can apply for an end-of-series ‘derogation’. This allows them extra time to sell off any stock of vehicles that were manufactured to previous standards. 

Upcoming Noise, GSR and Emission regulations

Since 1 July 2022, vehicles of categories M, N1 and N3 are required to meet with phase 2 noise levels of either regulation 540/2014 or UN 51.03 to be registered here in Ireland. 

Since 1 July 2023, vehicles of categories N2 are required to meet with phase 2 noise levels of either regulation 540/2014 or UN 51.03 to be registered here in Ireland.

The RSA is granting end-of-series derogations to vehicles that currently meet with Phase 1 noise level requirements. A sound level approval number will be required when applying for a derogation. See sound level approval numbers document for more information on how to locate this approval number.

Regulation (EU) 540/2014 / UNECE Regulation No. 138.00 – AVAS

Since 1 September 2023, vehicles of categories M, and N are required to meet with the requirements of Annex VIII of Regulation (EU) 540/2014 or UN 138.00. This prohibits the fitment of a continuous pause function to the acoustic vehicle alerting system (AVAS). A manufacturer may install a function for temporary deactivation of the AVAS which meets the requirements of UN 138.00. 

The RSA is granting end-of-series derogations to vehicles that currently meet with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 540/2014 Annex VIII (Section III). An AVAS approval number will be required when applying for a derogation.

Since 7 July 2024, a number of changes for the first registration or entry into service of vehicles comes into force under Regulation (EU) 2019/2144.

Due to the large number of changes and based on information provided by industry, the RSA will use a phased approach for granting end of series derogations from certain requirements within the GSR 2. This will allow the end of series team time to deal with applications in a prompt and efficient manner.

As part of phase 1 the RSA is granting end-of-series derogations to vehicles that don’t meet the following requirements;


Event Data Recorder (EDR)

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/545 Supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2144 (Item E5)

Requires the fitment of an EDR complying with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/545 and the technical requirements of ECE 160.01.

Eligibility criteria: Valid CoC, issued on or before 6 April 2024


M1, N1,

Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) for Heavy Duty Vehicles

Regulation (EU) 2019/2144 (Item C14)

Requires the fitment to Heavy Duty Vehicles of a TPMS complying with the requirements of ECE 141.01.

Eligibility criteria: Valid CoC, issued on or before 6 April 2024

M2, M3, N2, N3, O3, O4,

Upon completion of the phase 1 applications, we will advise on the next steps.

See GSR2 Briefing Note 2024 for vehicles that do not comply with more than one of the requirements under Regulation (EU) 2019/2144.

Please Note: when sending the completed application to [email protected], please ensure the email subject is EoS Application request.

Note the above email subject is case sensitive and if not entered correctly may result in failure to upload.

Regulation (EU) 2017/1151 - type-approval of motor vehicles concerning emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles.

Since 1 September 2024, vehicles of categories M1, N1 and N2, approved to light duty emissions standard are required to meet with the requirements of Appendix 6 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1151. This requires real driving emissions (RDE) testing to comply with the emission limits, using a conformity factor of 1.1 (NOx), and 1.34 (PN), and the fitment of an OBFCM to N2 vehicles, certified to the light duty emissions requirements.

The RSA is granting end-of-series derogations to vehicles with an emissions character of AP, AQ or AR.

Eligibility Criteria: Valid CoC issued on or before 31 May 2024.

Please Note: when sending the completed application to [email protected], please ensure the email subject is EoS Application request.

Note the above email subject is case sensitive and if not entered correctly may result in your application not being accepted for review by the EoS system.

Under EU Regulations 168/2013 and 134/2014, there are a number of changes for the first registration or entry into service of EU category L vehicles. Our briefing note will provide you with information on the changes and eligibility criteria for vehicles with regard to end-of-series derogation applications.

Applying for an end-of-series derogation 

The granting of end-of-series derogations is at the discretion of each EU member state. In certain circumstances, Article 49 of Regulation (EU) 2018/858 provides a derogation in order to permit the making available on the market, registration, and entry into service of end-of-series vehicles. Subject to important limitations and conditions, Member States may decide whether to apply the Article 49 derogation in any given case.
Some vehicles may be part of a stock that conformed to all the relevant standards at the time they were built, but due to the passage of time and changes to standards and regulations, they might not now meet all of the current requirements to permit them to be registered. Such vehicles are called end-of-series vehicles. In doing so, Member States may register and permit the making available on the market or the entry into service of vehicles that conform to a type of vehicle the EU type-approval of which is no longer valid.

For vehicles in category M, N and O, end-of-series derogations are limited in one of the following ways: 

  1. Vehicles for which a valid certificate of conformity was issued on or after the date of manufacture of the vehicle and remained valid for at least three months after its date of issue. There is no limit on the number of vehicles under this condition.
  2. The maximum number of vehicles of one or more types that can be derogated is calculated as a percentage of those vehicles that entered into service during the previous years. The percentages are 10% (for M1 vehicles) and 30% (for M2, M3, N and O, vehicles),  should the resulting number be less than 100 vehicles, then a maximum of 100 vehicles may be allowed to enter into service. The certificate of conformity may be issued up until the date before the new legislation applies.

In addition to the above limits, a vehicle must meet certain criteria when applying for a derogation:

The vehicle must:

  • be within the EU; and 
  • have been covered by a valid EU type-approval at the time of its production. 

However, before that EU type-approval lost its validity, the vehicle must not have been:

  • registered, or
  • entered into service.

How to apply for an end-of-series derogation and application forms

Applications can only be made by a vehicle distributor or manufacturer. 

To apply for an end-of-series derogation:

  1. Download the EoSApplicationFormDec24 which contains the application form and vehicle list. 
  2. Complete all the required fields in the application form and the vehicle list relative to the regulation you are applying for.
  3. When the excel spreadsheet is completed, email it to [email protected] with the title ‘EoS Application request’ in the subject bar. Note the above email subject is case sensitive and if not entered correctly may result in failure to upload.

 If you have any queries, please contact us at [email protected]

Regulatory changes

Since 1st January 2022, two new requirements apply

  • Light duty vehicles of category N1 Class II and N1 Class III are required to be fitted with on-board fuel and/or energy consumption monitors (OBFCM)
  • Heavy duty vehicles are required to comply with the Euro VI Step E emission requirements.

The RSA granted end-of-series derogations to vehicles that met the requirements in the table below. For heavy duty vehicles, the RSA requested details of the number of vehicles of that type registered in the previous year.

Emissions categoryStandard (until 31 December 2021)Standard (from 1 January 2022)Applicable end-of-series derogation
Light duty vehicle emissions: N1 Class II


AN: Euro 6d-ISC

AQ: Euro 6d-ISC-FCMCoC issue date no later than 30 September 2021
Light duty vehicle emissions: N1 Class IIICI: Euro 6d-TEMP-EVAP-ISCAR: Euro 6d-ISC-FCMCoC issue date no later than 30 September 2021
Heavy duty vehicle emissionsEuro VI Step DEuro VI Step E30% of the vehicles of all types concerned registered in the previous year or 100 vehicles, whichever is greater


Since 1 September 2021, 3 new requirements apply

  • UN Regulation No. 16.07
  • UN Regulation No. 79.03
  • UN Regulation No. 58.03

The RSA granted derogations for vehicles subject to conditions outlined in the table below. In addition, vehicles must have had a valid certificate of conformity issued on or after the date of manufacture, and that remained valid for at least 3 months before the new requirement applies.

Regulation numberTitleEnd of Series derogation
UN Regulation no. 16.07Safety-belts and restraint systemsSee note for UN Regulation 16.07
UN Regulation no. 79.03Steering equipmentSee note for UN Regulation 79.03
UN Regulation no. 58.03Rear underrun protection devicesThe RSA will grant an end-of-series derogation for vehicles that don’t comply with UN Regulation No. 58.03, but that comply with UN Regulation No. 58.02.

Since 1 January 2021, vehicle manufacturers of passenger cars and some light-duty goods vehicles are required to meet stricter emission standards. In addition, manufacturers are required to fit on-board fuel and/or energy consumption monitoring (OBFCM) devices to these vehicles.

The RSA granted derogations for vehicles with emission characters DG and AM that had a valid certificate of conformity issued on or after the date of manufacture, and that remained valid for at least 3 months before the new requirement applies.

Since 1 January 2021, vehicle manufacturers of L category vehicles (two-wheel, three-wheel vehicles and quads) are required to meet stricter emission standards. The RSA has prepared a note that explains these changes - Emission requirements for L category vehicles (2021.01.01). The RSA granted a derogation for vehicles that don’t comply with Euro 5 emission standards.

Refer to the End-of-Series application form for the full list of derogations that the RSA will be granting. 

Future proposals

These are the upcoming UN and European directives and regulations impacting entry into service for vehicles. Table-of-Upcoming-Directives-Regulations-February-2025 pdf | 397 KB

Legislation on end-of-series vehicles 

The legislation for motor vehicles, trailers and for L category vehicles allows member states to grant end-of-series derogations, provided these vehicles meet the criteria set out in the following tables. 

Passenger & goods vehicles (category M, N, O)

Van and light truck
EU legislationEU reference 
Framework regulation2018/858S.I No. 556/2020
 Single stage (completed) Multi-stage (completed) 
Restriction type 

We will decide which restriction applies

We will decide which restriction applies 

COC issue date 

Must be issued by the manufacturer at least three months before the new legislation applies 

Must be issued by the manufacturer at least three months before the new legislation applies 

Maximum number of M1 vehicles

The maximum number of vehicles of one or more types may not exceed 10% of the vehicles of all types concerned entered into service during the previous year 


100 vehicles  

The COC must be issued by the manufacturer up until the day before the new legislation applies 

The maximum number of vehicles of one or more types may not exceed 10% of the vehicles of all types concerned entered into service during the previous year 


100 vehicles  

The COC must be issued by the manufacturer up until the day before the new legislation applies 

The maximum number of M2, M3, N category vehicles and O category trailers 

The maximum number of vehicles of one or more types may not exceed 30% of the vehicles of all types concerned entered into service during the previous year 


100 vehicles  

The COC must be issued by the manufacturer up until the day before the new legislation applies

The maximum number of vehicles of one or more types may not exceed 30% of the vehicles of all types concerned entered into service during the previous year 


100 vehicles  

The COC must be issued by the manufacturer up until the day before the new legislation applies

Length of derogation12 months18 months 


Motorcycles, mopeds, trikes, quads (category L) 

EU legislationEU referenceNational legislation
Framework regulation168/2013S.I No. 614/2015
 Single stage (complete)Multi stage (completed)
CoCMust be issued by the manufacturer up until the day before the new legislation appliesMust be issued by the manufacturer up until the day before the new legislation applies
Length of derogation24months30 months
Additional requirementsMust not exceed 10% of the number of vehicles registered in the two preceding years or 100 vehicles, whichever is higherMust not exceed 10% of the number of vehicles registered in the two preceding years or 100 vehicles, whichever is higher


Frequently asked questions

This content is for general information only. It does not, and is not intended to, provide legal or technical advice or to represent a legal interpretation of the matters it addresses.

End-of-series derogations come with a cut-off date e.g., 12 months from when the vehicle lost its type-approval validity.

You should allow a maximum of 10 working days. This is provided that both the application form and spreadsheet have been completed correctly, otherwise processing will not commence. 


Complete vehicles.

Built in a single stage by the manufacturer and requires no further work.

Completed or multi-stage vehicles.

Built in multi stages involving more than one manufacturer.

Incomplete vehicles.

Any vehicle which has yet to undergo one or more stages.