TII launches enhancing Motorway Operation Services (eMOS ) programme to help keep the M50 safe
Road Users 17.09.2021- Variable speed limits will be introduced on the M50 in the coming weeks
New digital signs will enhance the safety of road users, emergency responders and vulnerable road workers
The signs will be rolled out on a phased basis, with the first phase between Junction 4 Ballymun and Junction 6 Castleknock on the M50
The Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan today announced the launch of Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s enhancing Motorway Operation Services (eMOS) programme, which will see the phased introduction of variable speed limits on the M50.
Through the implementation of intelligent transport systems (ITS) technology, eMOS will enable motorway operators to slow traffic in response to collisions, roadworks, adverse weather conditions and congestion; enhance safeguards for emergency responders dealing with incidents on the M50; and keep road users better informed about incidents ahead and how they may affect their journey.
It optimises road safety, enhances the efficiency of the road, and improves journey time reliability by reducing the number of ‘stop and starts’ that take place along the M50 and the need for drivers to brake suddenly in response to standstill traffic.
The eMOS programme is being rolled out in a phased manner, with the first digital signs being switched on between Junction 4 Ballymun and Junction 6 Castleknock in the coming weeks. This incremental approach will allow road users time to familiarise themselves with the new signs and adjust their driving behaviour accordingly in advance of the introduction of regulatory speed limits.
The system is expected to be fully deployed on the M50 by early 2023.
TII and the Road Safety Authority (RSA) will roll out a public awareness campaign to make drivers aware of the new digital signs on the M50, when they will be switched on, and the importance of following the signs to help keep the M50 safe.
Mr. Eamon Ryan T.D., Minister for Transport and the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, said: “In 2019, there were approximately 1,200 incidents on the M50, 525 of which were vehicle collisions.
With over 400,000 trips per day on the M50, reducing the adverse impact of future traffic growth on safety levels on this key strategic link is hugely important. By enabling motorway operators to react to events as they occur on the network, the eMOS programme will allow TII to deliver a more flexible, efficient and dynamic service, enhancing safety for road users, emergency responders and road workers. I’m asking every M50 road user to look out for the signs and to take the necessary action to keep themselves and others safe.”
Ms. Hildegarde Naughton, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Transport with special responsibility for International and Road Transport and Logistics, said: “The safe and efficient movement of traffic on the M50 is vital to Ireland’s economic future. In 2020 alone, the motorway facilitated the movement of goods valued in the region of €30- €35 billion to the Irish economy.
Through the deployment of state-of-the-art technology - already successfully implemented across the UK, Continental Europe, North America and Australia - the eMOS programme will safeguard the safety, resilience and sustainability of this critical component of our national infrastructure.”
Peter Walsh, Chief Executive, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, said: “In addition to the expansion of the Dublin Tunnel Control Building to provide a new, state-of-the-art motorway operations control centre, the eMOS programme is delivering new structures and equipment across the M50, including 19 new gantries, 386 Lane Control Signals, 64 Variable Message Signs (VMS), 45 CCTV Cameras, and 54 Slip Road Signs on the entry points to the M50. By introducing the system on a phased basis, drivers are being given the time to familiarise themselves with the new signs on a shorter section of the M50 before additional phases come online.
The delivery of this new technology, combined with the Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS) pilot, will help future-proof the management of Ireland’s motorway network.”
eMOS animated instruction videos are available below:
For further information, please see the eMOS programme description page