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Road Users

Left-hand drive vehicles

Importing and driving a left-hand drive vehicle in Ireland.

This content is for general information only. It does not, and is not intended to, provide legal or technical advice or to represent a legal interpretation of the matters it addresses.

Frequently asked questions

Yes. All vehicles in use on Irish roads must comply with the regulations linked below*.

An Garda Síochána is responsible for the enforcement of road traffic legislation.

S.I. No. 190 of 1963 - Road Traffic Construction, Equipment and Use of Vehicles Regulations 1963 (As Amended)

S.I. No. 189 of 1963 - Road Traffic Lighting of Vehicles Regulations 1963 (As Amended)

S.I. No. 5 of 2003 - Road Traffic Construction and Use of Vehicles Regulations 2003 (As Amended)

*Please note that these regulations are in original format and amendments can be viewed on

You will need to contact your vehicle manufacturer or authorised distributor.

No. For further details contact the vehicle manufacturer or authorised distributor.

Yes. Beam masks or converter kits may legally be fitted to right hand dip headlamps provided they are fitted correctly. Consult your vehicle manufacturer or authorised distributor regarding the adjustment.

No. Head lamps on left hand drive vehicles dip to the right and may dazzle on-coming drivers. Some manufacturers design a headlamp assembly so that the bulbs can be orientated by a simple adjustment without needing beam masks or new headlamps to convert them for driving here, otherwise owners of left-hand drive vehicles will have to replace their headlamps to ensure that they will pass the ‘Headlamp Aim’ aspect of their roadworthiness test. Retrofitting devices for refocusing the lights are acceptable provided that they are installed correctly, and the light emitted is correctly focused.

Yes. In addition, the headlamps will need to be replaced, beam deflectors properly fitted, and the light emitted from them correctly focused.

Once these left-hand drive vehicles comply with the regulations mentioned above, they can be driven on Irish public roads. In addition, the headlamps will need to be replaced, beam deflectors properly fitted, and the light emitted from them correctly focused.

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