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Road safety road shows

Engaging, interactive resources that bring road safety education to life.

Our interactive road safety roadshow resources are available to schools, third-level institutions and business and community groups. These roadshows bring road safety education to life in an engaging, interactive and memorable way. 

We have age-appropriate resources for children, teenagers and adults alike so you’ll find something to hold your group’s attention and build their road safety awareness.

StreetSmart (for children aged 4-12)

StreetSmart brings road safety to life in a fun way for young children. Using a pretend streetscape mat and props, children are invited to carry out everyday road safety tasks.


With StreetSmart children learn from their own experiences and those of their classmates through a series of activities such as:

  • role playing and dress-up
  • storytelling
  • road safety games
  • interactive road safety Q&A game.

StreetSmart is designed for three distinct age groups: 4-5, 5-8 and 8-12 years, with a combination of interactive activities suitable for each age group.

Book or get more information on StreetSmart for your school or group

If you’re interested in getting our StreetSmart resource for your school or community group, please complete this form.

The streetscape mat can be set up in your school or community hall but we will need to discuss space, size and other requirements before final booking. 

Our staff will facilitate activities and work with teachers or group leaders beforehand
to decide suitable road safety lessons for participating children. 

StreetSmart is free of charge and great fun for everyone!

Road Safety Interactive Unit (Shuttle)

RSA Shuttle on the road

What you can do on our shuttle

  • Experience simulated virtual situations though our Virtual Reality film Consequences, which puts you in the shoes of a drink-driver where it deals with everything from injury to prosecution.
  • Experience VR film Distractions giving you the experience of a crash in the VR world where you get to see the devastation of what can happen when looking at your phone-screen instead of your windscreen.
  • Practice your driving and hazard perception skills on our motorbike or bicycle simulators.
  • Try the brake reaction timer to see how driving environments and speed affect your braking distances.
  • Learn about tyre safety. Tyres are your only contact with the road! 
  • Practice your road safety knowledge on our interactive games.

Book or get more information on the Road Safety Interactive Shuttle for your school, community event, company or group

 To book the RSA Interactive Shuttle, please complete this form

Check it Fits (free child car seat checking service)

Man with small child in car

Our Check it Fits service aims to save lives by ensuring child car seats are properly fitted in cars. Our research shows that 4 out of 5 child car seats are incorrectly fitted. We want to change this statistic.

So, no matter what make or model of car or car seat you have, you can avail of this free service. Our expert child car seat checkers will fix any incorrectly fitted seats or harnesses, show you how to do it yourself and answer any queries you have. 

For more information about our check it Fits service, please click here