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Road safety education for secondary school students

Our resources and awareness campaigns to help secondary school students stay safe on our roads.

It’s both important and timely to foster good road safety attitudes and behaviour among secondary school students. In particular, our Transition Year programme which prepares and supports students, has been very well received by teachers nationwide. 

Why road safety is so important in secondary school:

  • Secondary school students are impressionable, flexible and open to changing their behaviour.
  • Younger children look up to them as role models. 
  • At their age, they may be thinking about becoming drivers and will need to learn and practice good road safety behaviour and show respect to all road users. 

Our National Road Safety Education team offers a range of resources and activities which tailor road safety messages to engage secondary schools and their students.

RSA Shuttle
Road Safety Road safety education service

Road safety education service at the RSA. Road safety education in the community. Visit schools, colleges, communities, companies. VLE.

Let's Go!

Road safety guidelines for secondary schools

Let’s Go! is a resource developed for teachers and school personnel who organise school events for students involving the use of public roads. It contains practical and helpful road safety guidelines covering various modes of transport, including:


  • walking
  • cycling
  • travelling by car
  • travelling by bus
  • travelling by public transport.

Order Let’s Go! for your school

If you’re interested in getting our Let’s Go! pack for your school, please complete this form

Road Safety Getting to school safely

Advice on keeping children safe at the school gate, going to school and hiring a bus. Checklists and leaflets.