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Road Users

Kit cars

Information, classification and type approval of kit cars.

This content is for general information only. It does not, and is not intended to, provide legal or technical advice or to represent a legal interpretation of the matters it addresses.

Frequently asked questions

A kit car is interpreted as being an unregistered vehicle under Section 130, Finance Act 1992 as amended which is usually an EU Category M1 and constructed from a mixture of parts some of which are supplied unassembled in kit form. In general, the kit will include a variety of body panels and may include a new chassis that must be assembled. The mechanics e.g., engine, motor and trim etc. are usually obtained from another vehicle to enable the process to be completed.

Yes. The National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) is Ireland’s appointed approval authority and is responsible for issuing Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA) or National Small Series Type Approval (NSSTA) for brand new unregistered vehicles in Ireland.

Yes. These vehicles will be subject to testing at NCT. Where a kit car is presented for NCT testing and is outside the scope of type approval, i.e., manufactured before type approval dates or modified post registration, an automotive engineer’s report should be provided stating details such as the make, year of manufacture of the engine and the exhaust emission values stated by engine manufacturer.

You can contact The Institute of Automotive Engineer Assessors (IAEA) who may be able to provide you with a list of mechanical engineers in your area.

All vehicles in use on Irish roads must comply with the regulations* linked below. The owner or driver must ensure that the vehicle is kept in a safe and roadworthy condition at all times and that all parts and equipment must be in proper working order and must not present a danger to any road user. An Garda Síochána are responsible for the enforcement of road traffic legislation.

S.I. No. 190 of 1963 – Road Traffic Construction, Equipment and Use of Vehicles Regulations 1963 (As Amended)

S.I. No. 5 of 2003 - Road Traffic Construction and Use of Vehicles Regulations 2003 (As Amended)

S.I. No. 189 of 1963 – Road Traffic Lighting of Vehicles Regulations (1963 As Amended)

*Please note that these regulations are in original format and amendments can be viewed on

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