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Dangerous Driving Behaviours

This campaign aims to raise awareness of dangerous driving behaviours on Irish roads.

The audio campaign tackles five dangerous driving behaviours – speeding, drink driving, distracted driving, not wearing seatbelts and drug driving.

It includes eight separate radio adverts (which also run on digital audio, including podcasts and other digital channels). The adverts have been developed using feedback from in-depth research and focus groups.

While they are relevant to all adults, they are specifically designed around insights from younger men who drive on rural roads to ensure that they are relevant to that sub-audience.

The campaign will air on radio and digital audio and will be shared across social media. 

Dangerous Driving Behaviours Radio

Serial Killer RadioSpeeding know the road radioBelt up RadioAutopsy RadioAutopsy Alternative RadioMobile phones radioDrug Driving English RadioDrug Driving Irish Radio