Safe speeds
Safe speeds lead to safer roads.
Excessive and inappropriate speed is a dangerous behaviour on our roads. International research has estimated that 10-15% of all collisions, and 30% of fatal collisions are the direct result of speeding or inappropriate speed.
Safe Speeds looks at road and vehicle planning and design and involves setting injury-minimising speed limits, as well as public education and awareness, and enforcement of these limits.
It ensures that the speed limits are not higher than the built-in protection provided by roads, roadsides and vehicles. Safe Speed allows for human error, understanding that, although collisions may occur, they should not lead to death or serious injury.
Our Safe Speeds reports
Our research publications cover free speed surveys, road traffic collision statistics and a review of Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) technology.Speed surveys are designed to monitor changes in the free speeds of vehicles in both urban and rural areas and to measure drivers’ choice of speed.
Free Speed Survey 2018Free Speed Survey 2016
Free Speed Survey 2015
Free Speed Survey 2014
Free Speed Survey 2013
Free Speed Survey 2012
Free Speed Survey 2011
We publish reports that focus on vehicles involved in collisions and behavioural factors which may have contributed to collisions.
Fatal Collisions 2008 to 2012 Excessive Speed
Our review of Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA). ISA is a technology built into newer vehicles that helps a driver to comply with speed limits by automatically reducing their speed when necessary.
Intelligent Speed Assistance: A review of the literature 2018
The Road Safety Authority hosted their Annual Conference 26 October 2022. This year’s Annual Conference focused on Tackling Speeding – Risk Factors and Interventions. At this event Research Manager, Velma Burns, presented "A Profile of Speeding in Ireland" which is accessible below. To view more information on the Tackling Speeding – Risk Factors and Interventions conference, details on the conference and reports presented can be accessed here.
A Profile of Speeding in Ireland