Speed Fallacy
Speeding by 10km/h on an 80km/h road only saves 68 seconds.
Road safety campaign that demonstrates to drivers that the time they save when going over the speed limit by 10Km/h is minimal and not worth losing their licence or worse.

This campaign demonstrates to drivers that when they drive 10Km/h over the speed limit they are only saving seconds and this is not worth losing their licence or worse. It also addresses the consequences of speeding, losing their licence or much more. Drivers are made question whether the minimal time gain of speeding is worth the huge risk.
We are asking drivers to slow down because is it really worth risking three penalty points, a fine, losing your licence and potential livelihood or worse? For miniscule time savings?
- International research has estimated that 30% of fatal collisions are the result of speeding or inappropriate speed (European Road Safety Observatory. (2020). Road safety thematic report: Speeding. https://ec.europa.eu/transport/road_safety/sites/roadsafety/files/pdf/2020-10-08-road_safety_thematic_ report_speed.pdf).
- During 2014-2018, 1 in 4 driver* fatalities on Irish roads, with a record of their actions available, were exceeding a safe speed (RSA analysis of 2014-2018 coronial data). RSA research shows that over ¾ of drivers were detected speeding in 50km/h zones (RSA pilot free speed study, 2021).
*’Driver fatalities’ include driver and motorcycle driver fatalities.
- RSA collision data** shows that between 2018 and 2021, 38% of road fatalities occurred on 80Km/h roads and 30% of serious injuries.
This research also shows;
- 39% of drivers and passengers were killed on 80Km/h roads
- 50% of motorcyclists were killed on 80Km/h roads
- 56% of cyclists were killed on 80Km/h roads
- 24% of pedestrians were killed on 80Km/h roads
**Figures are provisional and subject to change
- Speed is a significant factor in road deaths in Ireland and abroad, as it both increases the likelihood of a collision occurring, and the severity of injuries sustained if a collision occurs. (European Road Safety Observatory. (2020). Road safety thematic report: Speeding. https://ec.europa.eu/transport/road_safety/sites/roadsafety/files/pdf/2020-10-08-road_safety_thematic_ report_speed.pdf)
- The 2021 Driver Attitudes and Behaviour survey results demonstrate that more drivers exceed 50km/h and 100km/h speed limits by <10km, than at a higher speed.
- Similarly, the RSA 2018 free speed observational study demonstrated that more drivers exceed speed limits by 0-10km, than at higher speeds.
- According to the latest CSO National Travel Survey (2019), Ireland’s average journey distance in 2019 was 13.7km. This distance was used for the calculations below.
10km speed difference
Completing an average journey at 60km/h instead of 50km/h only saves 2 minutes and 44 seconds.
Completing an average journey at 90km/h instead of 80km/h only saves 1 minute and 8 seconds.
Completing an average journey at 110km/h instead of 100km/h only saves 45 seconds.
Completing an average journey at 130km/h instead of 120km/h only saves 32 seconds.
Speed Fallacy
Our Radio, digital and out of home campaign illustrates to drivers that the time they save when going over the speed limit by 10Km/h is minimal and not worth losing their licence or worse.
Speed Fallacy Radio