Safe road use
Examining our behaviour on Irish roads.
Dangerous behaviours such as not wearing a seatbelt, speeding, or driving while impaired, whether through drugs or alcohol, increases our chances of being involved in a collision. In fact, our research shows that almost one in five (18%) drivers and passengers killed on Irish roads in 2022 were not wearing a seatbelt1.
Safe Road Use is one of the key elements of the Safe System approach and is designed to prevent fatalities and reduce serious injuries. It involves:
- setting road user standards, e.g. driver training and licensing requirements,
- developing traffic legislation
- targeted enforcement
- public education and awareness campaigns
- harnessing the benefits of safety technologies
The aim of Safe Road Use is to assist all road users so that they have the knowledge, capability, willingness and technology to use the roads and vehicles safely. This means that if a collision occurs, it does not lead to death or serious injury.
Research reports on road safety behaviours & attitudes
Our research publications cover a wide range of subjects within the road safety arena, including attitudes and behaviours around Safe Road Use, such as:
- compliance with the posted speed limit
- impaired driving (due to alcohol, drugs, fatigue or distraction)
- helmet wearing
- seatbelt wearing
1. Source: RSA Road Traffic Collision data. Figures are provisional and subject to change.
Our safe road use reports
Reports and surveys focused on the role of alcohol and drugs as contributory factors in road user fatalities in Ireland.
RSA Road Safety Appeal MBRS Final Podium 30 July 2020
Road Deaths and Alcohol 2013-2017
Attitudinal Survey on Alcohol Disqualification from Driving 2017
Research into the use of mobile phones and earphones among drivers, motorcyclists and pedal cyclists in Ireland.
Mobile Device Usage Observational Survey 2023
Mobile Device Usage Observational Survey 2022
Seat Belt and Mobile Phone Usage report 2018
Helmet Use and Mobile Phone summary 2016
Research into the incidence of fatigue among drivers in Ireland.
Driver attitudes and behaviour survey findings on fatigue 2020
These reports look at seatbelt compliance for drivers and passengers as well as the use of helmets and high-visibility clothing among motorcyclists and pedal cyclists in Ireland.
Use of high visibility clothing and helmet wearing 2023
Seat Belt Wearing Observational Survey 2023
Seat Belt Wearing Observational Survey 2022
Seat belt Observation Survey 2021
Use of hi-visibility clothing, mobile usage and helmet wearing 2021
Seat Belt and Mobile Phone Usage report 2018
Seatbelt Wearing Summary 2017
Seatbelt wearing 2017
Seatbelt wearing 2016
Helmet Use and Mobile Phone summary 2016
High Visibility Summary 2016
Misuse of Seatbelts Among Females Aged 17-34 Years 2016
Helmet use by motorcyclists and pedal cyclists 2015
Review of Safety Belts in Buses - Notice to Stakeholders July 2008
Seatbelt wearing by car users 2015
Annual National Seatbelt Survey 2009
These reports analyse annual and seasonal road collisions in Ireland.
Fatal Collisions 2008 to 2012 Vehicle Factors
Analysis of Fatalities Over Christmas Period 2008 to 2016
These reports measure habits among drivers and motorcyclists in Ireland as well as their attitudes towards topical road safety issues.
National Survey of Motorcyclists 2023
Driver Attitudes and Behaviour Survey 2023
Driver Attitudes and Behaviour Survey 2021
Driver Attitudes and Behaviour Survey 2020
Driver Attitudes and Behaviour Survey 2019
Motorcyclist Rider Behaviour Study 2019
Attitudes towards Autonomous Cars 2019
Motorcyclist Rider Behaviour Study 2017
Driver Attitudes and Behaviour Survey 2014
Examining attitudes relating to road safety and the enforcement of traffic laws by An Garda Síochána.
RSA Garda Siochana and Road Safety 2018
RSA Garda Enforcement National Survey 2017
These reports highlight the use of defective lights or inappropriate use of fog lights among drivers as well as cyclist compliance with traffic lights in Ireland.
Fog Lights misuse Summary 2016
Contributory Factors and Driver Fatalities: Examining key Dangerous Behaviours
E-scooter observation study 2022
A review of the literature on male driver risk factors 2022
Considering the penalties for dangerous driver behaviours in Ireland 2022
HGV Road Safety: An analysis of HGVs involved in Fatal and Serious injury collisions 2021
Update on current practice and safety implications of e-scooters 2021
Cost benefit analysis of the Irish alcohol interlock program 2020
Review of current practice and safety implications of electric personal mobility devices 2019
Investigation of international best practice regarding specific driving offence penalties 2019
The European Commission’s proposal to end Daylight Savings Time 2018
Costs of Congestion related to road crashes in Ireland 2018
The potential deterrent value of a Register of Disqualified Drivers 2017
Cost Benefit Parameters and Application Rules for Transport Project Appraisal