Road safety education in the community
Resources and awareness campaigns to help communities stay safe on our roads.
Communities are made up of all types of road user who at different times might drive, walk, cycle, scoot, travel as a passenger in a car or on public transport. They also include road users of different ages from schoolchildren to senior citizens and all ages in between. Community education plays a key role in promoting road safety and community leaders are vital to help deliver this important message.
We’re here to help
While we rely on community leaders to arrange road safety events, promotions and campaigns in the community, we’re here to guide and support in any way we can.
We offer a range of resources which tailor road safety messages to engage communities in road safety education.
Our programme targets young people aged 17-24 years who are a major risk group on Irish roads. Our research shows that this age group are three times more likely to be killed in a collision than the rest of the population.
- It uses real-life stories to tell the consequences of road traffic collisions and other life-changing events that happen on our roads.
- It features a series of vodcasts, i.e. video broadcasts, illustrated with animation highlighting key points in each speaker’s real-life testimony.
Road safety themes covered in our programme include:
- driver distraction
- drug driving
- road user impairment
- driving without insurance
- modified cars
- driving when using a mobile phone.
Book or get more information on
If you would like to book or get more information about this powerfully engaging road safety programme, please:
- book a visit from our Nationwide Road Safety Education Service
This programme can be delivered directly to your community group by one of our road safety promotion officers.
Alternatively, we can run a free training session on how to present this programme. You will get a training pack, DVD and certificate. An accompanying guide will tell you how to start a stimulating group discussion with your community audience.
The programme is also available through our new Virtual learning environment (VLE) so we can virtually deliver the programme to your community.
Book any option through our Nationwide Road Safety Education Service
Protecting our Community is a road safety awareness programme for adults based on the Rules of the Road. Its main aim is to change the attitudes and behaviour of pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and drivers in every community.
The programme is delivered in 30-minute sessions - ideal for community groups.
They are highly interactive and include lots of activities.
The core topics covered in the programme include:
- speed and speeding
- road user impairment
- unsafe behaviour towards or by vulnerable road users such as children, older adults, motorcyclists and cyclists
- seat belts, child restraints and safety on buses
- emergency services.
Book or get more information on the Protecting our Community programme.
If you would like to book or get more information about this engaging road safety programme, please:
- book a visit from our Nationwide Road Safety Education Service
This programme can be delivered directly to your community group by one of our road safety promotion officers.
Alternatively, we can run a free training session on how to deliver this programme. These are aimed at people who work with community groups, e.g. An Garda Síochána, youth workers and community leaders. You should have experience working with groups and have identified a group for this training. You will get a training pack, DVD and certificate.
Book any option through our Nationwide Road Safety Education Service.
Mobility Matters is a road safety awareness programme for older adults. The programme covers such road safety topics as:
- buying a car
- keeping your car in good condition
- driving safely
- bus safety, pedestrian safety and cycle safety
- using seat belts and child restraints
- how medical conditions affect road safety
- road safety law about protecting yourself and other road users.
Book or get more information on the Mobility Matters programme.
If you would like to book get more information about this engaging road safety programme, please:
- book a visit from our Nationwide Road Safety Education Service
This programme can be delivered directly to your community group by one of our
road safety promotion officers.
Alternatively, we can run a free training session on how to deliver this programme. You will get a training pack, DVD and certificate.
Book any option through our Road Safety Education Service.
Our Road safety guidelines for sporting organisations was developed in association with the FAI, IRFU, GAA and Cycling Ireland. It provides sporting organisations with all the information they need to organise their sporting event where road travel is involved.
The Play it Safe programme covers such topics as:
- encouraging the use of high-visibility clothing when travelling to and from sporting events
- safe driving practices when travelling to and from sporting events
- celebrating safely
- road safety considerations around the clubhouse and sportsground
- general guidelines relating to road safety
Book or get more information on the Play it Safe programme.
If you would like to book, get more information about this engaging road safety programme, please:
- book a visit from our Road Safety Education Service
Cycle Right is the national standard for cycle training. It provides practical cycle safety and skills training to help both adults and children become better and more confident cyclists.
The Cycle Right programme is delivered over three stages in increasingly complex road scenarios. As you progress, you gain the skills and knowledge to help you cycle safely on our roads.
Cycle Right e-learning adult training resource.
This is a new support for adult cyclists in navigating traffic and the road system. It features a unique perspective on the road environment as seen from a cycling point of view. The resource will bring you through cycling essentials such as:
- being ready to cycle
- cycling with others
- positioning on the road
- road structure
- visibility and perception
The training is structured in modules which means:
- It can be completed in one sitting or completed in sections at your own pace.
- It will allow you to self-test your knowledge as you progress.
Book or get more information on the Cycle Right programmes.
All in-person Cycle Right training is delivered by registered cycle trainers.
This resource is free of charge and available from
Our Road Safety Roadshows are a great way to bring the community together.
- Irish Road Safety Week in October is an ideal time to get road safety messages across to your community.
- The shuttle is a highly popular experiential learning tool that can get across the road safety message in a highly memorable way.
Our road safety promotion officers are available to help with any road safety initiative you have in mind, by:
- helping you plan a successful road safety event in advance
- offering advice on various road safety activities and initiatives in your community
- helping you to deliver road safety education material
- providing information and training on whatever resources will suit your needs.
Book or get more information on our Road Safety Roadshow events
- For more information or to contact one of our road safety promotion officers, please let us know by filling this form
- To book the RSA Interactive Shuttle, please complete this form
- To let us know what you are planning to support Irish Road Safety Week and to help you promote your event on our website, contact [email protected]
If you're organising a charitable event that uses the public roads, it's important to be aware of any road safety issues that may arise during the event and to take the necessary precautions. The information booklet below highlights some of the things you need to think about when planning an event, such as notifying your local Gardaí, liaising with the Road Safety Officer in your local authority, establishing an event committee, carrying out risk assessments, developing a communications plan, traffic management and lots more.
For more information or to book a visit
- to book a visit by one of our Road Safety Promotion Officers, please complete this form
- to book the Road Safety Authority Interactive Unit 'Shuttle', please complete this form
- visit our Nationwide Road Safety Education Service