Check it Fits
Peace of mind that your child's car seat is fitted correctly.
According to our research, as many as 4 out of 5 child car seats are incorrectly fitted which can result in serious injury or a fatality in the event of a collision.
Our 'Check it Fits' roadshow offers a full-time, nationwide, free service. Our team of experts will not only check that your child's car seat is fitted safely, they will also give a demonstration and answer any questions you might have.
A list of our upcoming 'Check it Fits' event locations and dates are listed on the map below. You don't need to book an appointment.
Our Check it Fits locations
If you can't attend in person
We also offer our Check it Fits service virtually so you can request an online appointment with one of our child car seat experts. Once your booking request has been submitted, we will be in contact with you to schedule a suitable date and time.
Book a virtual appointment now
Our Check it Fits newsletter
Keep up to date with the latest child car seat advice by signing up to our email newsletter.
What happens during our Check it Fits service
In the video below, Charlie Bird explains how the Check it Fits service works. He shows you what to expect on the day and talks to parents and grandparents about their experience.
Child safety in cars frequently asked questions (FAQ). Child safety, child car seats, seat belts, booster seats. Choosing a safe child car seat. Check It Fits.